
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice 1994 Vol.14

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Theory of Fuzzy Optimum Element System for Large Scale Systems
Chen Shouyu
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (1): 1-10.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)1-1
Abstract849)      PDF(pc) (589KB)(716)       Save
The paper establishes theory of fuzzy Optimum element system for large-scale systems,it may be used to select the optimized decision makimg or scheme for the complexsystem。It is a new optimizing approach for large─scale systems.
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Calculation of Fuzzy Reliability for Series and Parallel Systems
Leng Huji
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (1): 11-21.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)1-11
Abstract926)      PDF(pc) (597KB)(836)       Save
In this paper we base on the fuzzy reliability theory and using fuzzy principle and method to try to derive sets of formulate to calculate the fuzzy reliability for series and parallel systems and fuzzy average life-span,Furthermore we carry on calculating the reliability condi-tion and corresponding to the fuzzy average life─span for the example of planets gear transmis-sion system.
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Hard System Thinking and Soft System Methodology──Optimal Model and Learning Model
Cao Guangming
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (1): 22-25.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)1-22
Abstract1612)      PDF(pc) (387KB)(850)       Save
This paper gives conclusions to the basic characteristics of both Hard System Think-ing and Soft System Methodology,makes an outline of the applications of both methods.And based on that,gives a comparasion between both methods.This paper also discusses the future possible applications of Soft System Methodology.
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The Strure, Characteristics and Compilation of the Agriculture Energy Input-Occupancy-Output Models
Xue Xinwei
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (1): 26-33.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)1-26
Abstract1046)      PDF(pc) (520KB)(518)       Save
Based on the input-output theory,this paper regards agriculture as a large system whose energy is inputted trasformed and outputted From the latest researches which only no-tice the relations between input of social economic system and output of agriculture,we pay at-tention to the telations between the energy input of natural resources and climatic resources and energy output in agriculture. At same time,we consider fixed assets occupation in agricul-ture,the establish energy input-occupancy-output models.This paper mainly establishes quantitative model of natural energy in agricuIture and related special index system.
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A Multi-Sample Procedure for Sequencing and Estimating of Simulation Model with
Cui Xiaobao
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (1): 34-44.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)1-34
Abstract1090)      PDF(pc) (681KB)(577)       Save
In this paper a multi-sample simulation iterated proeedure is presented,it’s special suitable for selection of complex and large scale system with more than one output mean。The study result of an example indicates it’s effective.
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Management Model of Groundwater System in Kashi City and Its Two Grades Decomposition-Coordination
Xie Xinmin
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (1): 45-53.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)1-45
Abstract940)      PDF(pc) (566KB)(517)       Save
Beginning with a view point of engineering economic analysis,this paper establishes aeconomic management model of groundwater system in Kashi city.the two grades decompo-sition-coordination algorithm for solving the management model is studied hierarehy.The algorithm to solve complicated management model is very effectual and has developing and practical using values,which are shown with the practical computation.
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On Comprehensive Effect of Decision
Cai Huiping;Chen Limin;Yan Jie
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (1): 54-57.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)1-54
Abstract903)      PDF(pc) (314KB)(576)       Save
We study the comprehensive effect of deeision, and call the sum of direct effect and indirect effect as comprehensive effect, and analyze some of its crucial properties.
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Feedgback Control of Dynamic Input-Output Models with the Control of Variable Constraints
Li Yinguo
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (1): 58-63.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)1-58
Abstract937)      PDF(pc) (449KB)(492)       Save
In the paper,the common method of the linear multivariable regulator design for the dynamic input-output models,when the control variables have upper-lower limit con-straints,is introduced.The sufficient and necessary condition for the existence of the pure gain feedback controller and the feedback control policy for two kinds of control problem are ob-tained.
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Establishment and Research on the Mathematic Model of Grey Turnike
Xu Bing;Wang Lihua
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (1): 64-68.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)1-64
Abstract1036)      PDF(pc) (418KB)(651)       Save
A new model named GME is established and researched in the paper,combining the principle of turnpike and the idea of grey system theory.The economic evaluation and adjust-ment are emphased in the paper by using the adjust factor presented in the model.At last the comparison is made between the new model and GM(1,1)model.
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Nonparametric Approach for Evaluating the Best Combination fo Inputs,Outputs
Zhu Qiao;Chen;Yao
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (1): 69-73.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)1-69
Abstract1120)      PDF(pc) (428KB)(579)       Save
To modify the weakness of nonparametric approachs(e. g. DEA approach)which are only interested in whether dicision making unit (DMU)is on efficient production frontier,i.e.,it is a purely technical measure,we introduce the priees of inputs(outputs)into it and give the notions of cost,revenue,profit efficiencies and allocation efficiency.Thus,we consider the best comhnation of inputs(outputs) in order to judge whether DMU is cost minimization,rev-enue maximization or profit maximization. The relationship among all efficiencies is also dis-cussed.The method is illustrated by a data set.
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The Grey Model GM(1,1 ̄r)and Application of Per Capita Living-Space in the Country
Zhang Haisong;Cao Xiaoyan;Chu Jinfu
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (1): 74-76.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)1-74
Abstract978)      PDF(pc) (229KB)(577)       Save
By means of grey system GM(1,1),theory,the author proposes a new model of grey system GM(1,1r ).The model is applied in the country of per capita living-space,It is evident that GM(1,1r)is more precisioh than GM(1,1).
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Basic Research Strategies for Disaster Systems Theory
Jin Lei
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (1): 77-80.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)1-77
Abstract857)      PDF(pc) (439KB)(646)       Save
In this paper,the basic concepts and parameters of safety evaluation are definitely described further,such as:danger,disaster,system dangerousness,accident chain,difficulty degree of accident occurance and accident probability as well as degree of system reliability etc.The paper provides important basis for China’s integrated disaster prevention policy for macro safety production.
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A Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment Methodfor Configurations of Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine
Chen Jie
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (10): 1-7.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)10-1
Abstract975)      PDF(pc) (461KB)(616)       Save
A qualitative and quantitative assessment method for configurations of liquid propellant rock-et engine is presented in this paper.The evaluation oriteeria for launch vehicle booster engine are set up.It is explained how to determine the criteria values.A method which combines quantitative analy-sis calculation with Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP)method is given.Finally the established meth-od is used to assess five engine configurations.
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Multiple Attributive Decision Making Method and Its Application
Zhang Zhimin
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (10): 8-10.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)10-8
Abstract1330)      PDF(pc) (356KB)(572)       Save
In this short note multiple attributive decision making problem is transformed to a probility distribution problem which is easy to be dealt with. In terms of Kull-back's information number, new scheduling methods are proposed for the multiple attributive decision making problem.
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A DEA Model of Determining Dynamic Frontier Production Function
Li Guangjin;Liu Yongqing
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (10): 11-14.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)10-11
Abstract1011)      PDF(pc) (240KB)(588)       Save
Based on DEA theory and Production Function(PF)theory, a new model, which can easi-ly determine dynamic fronther PF by using actual states of production system, is put forward in this paper. Relatively. its result accords with the property-minimum input & maximum output of PF.Moreover,some problems in technical progress study can be resolved better.
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Systems Analysis of Dawu Water Supply Base in Zibe City,Shandong Province
Wang Jinshan;Xu Guangmin
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (10): 15-19.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)10-15
Abstract1112)      PDF(pc) (352KB)(654)       Save
By means of a series of system models,including the simulation model of groundwater sys-tem,the optimal model of groundwater system,the appreciation model of systemic techique econo-my,and the systems plan model,the supply water ability of the Dawu water supply base and riablity of the base,Dianzi iron mine,and Wuangzhong coal mine uniting operation is systematically analysed and appraised in technique economy.The supply water plan of the base is carried out un-der the condition of the best economic benefit.
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Muti-Criterion Evaluation Method
Xu Hui;Tao Qing;Wang Chengjun
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (10): 20-24.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)10-20
Abstract1016)      PDF(pc) (303KB)(634)       Save
In this article, a new kind of evaluation method -muti-criterion methed is proposed. The method can evaluate a system more precisely with great concurrent to the evaluation object, the pre-ference structure is considered in the paper, finely, an example is developed.
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The Cultural Quality of Farmers,Economic Results Analysis and The study of Countermeasures
Zhang Zhiyao;Liang Jiahua;Cheng Gang
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (10): 25-32.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)10-25
Abstract1032)      PDF(pc) (508KB)(543)       Save
In order to vitalize rural economy and popularize science & technology in the countryside,it'll be essential for the farmers to enhance their cultural quality. Based upon our findings in Yicheng county, this paper deals with the relations between the farmer's cultural quality and economic results, and analyses the income distributions of different groups and the developing trends. Investmentprofits to be gained from different educational backgrounds are figured out.Finally the dynamic relation be-tween rural education and ecnomyprogress are discussed.
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On the Convergence of the State Transition Approach in Confilct Analysis
Huang Youdu
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (10): 33-36.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)10-33
Abstract884)      PDF(pc) (273KB)(675)       Save
In this paper a sufficient and necessary condition for the convergence of a state transition model in conflict analysis is presented,it is that the transition matrix has no eigenvalue such as |λ|=1 but λ≠1.It is also pointed out that the eigenvalue |λ|=1 but λ≠1 always has from λh=1,where h is a positive integer not larger than the dimension of the transition matrix.
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Fuzzy-AHP Input-Output Model and it's application in study of Theortical Electric-Proce for a Regin
Xu Guangxian;Li Guang
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (10): 37-43.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)10-37
Abstract1105)      PDF(pc) (520KB)(542)       Save
In this paper, the method system of using Fuzzy-AHP to make up the input-output form and to establish input-output mathematical model is advanced, and it is used to study theoretical electric-price for a regin. Taking the county for an example, the method and model is ckecked,the result shows that it is veasonable and feasible.
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The Framework and Appllication of Decision Support Centre
Huang Xiaoyuan;Fan Zhiping;Yang Bin
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (10): 44-48.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)10-44
Abstract905)      PDF(pc) (362KB)(471)       Save
In this paper,the main stage, cognitive lens and formulation of the high and important deci-sion is researched, a framework of decision support centre is proposed, framework basis is providedto structure DSS system in the high and important position, Liao Ning previncial DSS is introdeced.
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Study of Organization Form for Developing Primary Industries in a South-East Poor Minority Nationlity Area
Ding Xiaoliang
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (10): 49-52.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)10-49
Abstract1129)      PDF(pc) (305KB)(546)       Save
Based on the organization size of exploiting biology, mineral and labour resorces in the poor minority nationality area, in this paper we study effective organization form of developing pri-mary industries,allocation of the six key kinds of productive forces and roles of the enterprises,the goverment and the formers.In this system of the socialist market economy, it is necessary to give a full play to the macro-coordination of the govenment, to develop processing enterprises which can make full use of the products of the farmers and the products and the small factories. At the same time, it is also necessary to make an approciate reformation of the government organization and to build a system for agririan property right, price policy and texation.
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The System View of Human-Centered Management
Cao Guangming
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (10): 53-55.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)10-53
Abstract1170)      PDF(pc) (262KB)(526)       Save
On the basis of reviewing and probing into the given theories and models of Hu-man-Centered Management(HCM),two areas of HCM are discussed in this paper: the concept, the research content and methods of HCM. Based on a system point of view, a definition of HCM is given. And in view: of the consideration, the general research methods, such as quantitative and qualitative analysis can not meet the need of the studying. This paper suggests to use Soft System Methodoly, behaviour science & artificial science, design science, social psychology synthetically. This paper also concludes several technical line of the study of HCM.
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A Bargaining Solution for Conflicts in Large Scale Systems
Zhu Shijing;Chen Ting
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (10): 56-61.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)10-56
Abstract1025)      PDF(pc) (363KB)(537)       Save
In this paper, the decision problems in large scale systems consisting of several subsystems are considered and the methods for conflict mediatiohn between the subsystems are explored.Based on the multiperson multiobs ective conflict decision model presented in Reference ̄[6],the concept of bargaining solution for conflicts in large scale systems is proposed, and an approach to achieve the bargaining solution is presented.
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District Macro Price Adjusting Model
Wang Xiaoli;Shi Hongbo
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (10): 62-67.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)10-62
Abstract844)      PDF(pc) (660KB)(511)       Save
This Paper presents an adjusting model on district macro price according to Shanxi Prov-ince's 1/O table. Under the conditions of given in-province and out-provice adjusting price range(or amount)of some first adjusting price department, connecting with the choose of inter and outer suppositions on output value's additional value retio, the model is used to calculate the changing sit-uations of all district economic department's price. The computing results can be used as reliable supporting basis for provice goverment making district macro price policy.
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On Knowiedge-Based Management System for Realtime Data Base
He Jianzhong
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (10): 68-73.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)10-68
Abstract917)      PDF(pc) (359KB)(483)       Save
Operation Basis is realtime data base in the SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition)of EMS. This paper presents RDBMS(realtime Data Base Management System)and des-cribes the architecture,design and implementation of RDBMS.
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The Large System Optimal Research On the Earth Work Allocation Program of Wuhan Airport's Flight Area
Yang Yingjiu;Feng Xuejie;Li Lanyuan;Guo Wengzeng;Hu Wenying;Peng Genggui;Pan Jiesheng
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (10): 74-80.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)10-74
Abstract1108)      PDF(pc) (848KB)(1629)       Save
Wuhan Airport is an important construction subject in our country. This text has put for-ward the optimal allocation programme of this airport's flight-area is a Large Scale System optimal plan which has 1496 variables, the ordinary computer's capacity is not enough. For this reason, we first raise the Large System earthwork allocation optimal maths model in the field of industrial and civil building construction. According to this optimization, we can save 1073441.29 yan. Meanwhile, the maths model may suit all kinds of Large-scale industrial and civil artectical earthwork allocation problems, it has general application value.
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Applied Research for Expert System of Missile Over-all Computer Aided Design
Nie Rongmei
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (11): 1-8.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)11-1
Abstract934)      PDF(pc) (509KB)(578)       Save
In this.paper, according to the principles and methods of Computer Aided design and Expert System,an experimental Expert System of Missile Over-all Computer Aided Design is suggested and runs on the micro-computer. It adapts multiple programming languages such as Turbo Prolog. Fortran,and Turbo C.Designer can converse with this system from memu and accomplishs prehiminary design problem on expert level.
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Synthesis of the Judgments For Making Group Decisions in AHP
Liu Laifu;Luo Qinglin
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (11): 9-12.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)11-9
Abstract1225)      PDF(pc) (530KB)(644)       Save
In this paper the method of synthesis using geometric mean of the judgments(CMJ)for making group decisions in AHP was discussed theoretically.The conclusion indicated that the consistency of GMJ was less than the mean of the consistencies of judgments.If the pertubation factors in judgments are stochastic,it was proved in this paper that the matrix of GMJ will converge in probability at a consistent positive reciprocal matrix whose vector of priorities is just the geometric mean of the vectors of priorities for each judgments.That should be and important coclusions when GMJ is used to sythesize judgments for making group decision in AHP.
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The Behavior Analysis of Insurer and Insurant ─An Application of Utility Theory
Zhou Hong
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (11): 13-18.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)11-13
Abstract961)      PDF(pc) (330KB)(637)       Save
This paper applies utility theory to analyse the inner mechanism how the two vari-able,insurance fee and risk attitude of insurer and insurant,influences the insurance behavior by affecting the risk probability range accepted by the two parties of insurance,and illustrates the regular pattern of insurance behavior.
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An Algorithm of Model in Optimal Distribution of Nuclear Warheads in Allied Dynamic System
Yi Fa
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (11): 19-24.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)11-19
Abstract1020)      PDF(pc) (347KB)(447)       Save
Nuclear fire applications can be divided into two problems,one is evaluating and com-puting of the shooting efficiency index,the other is optimal distribution of nuclear warheads. This paper discusses an algorithm of model in optimal distribution of nuclear warheads in the planar point-objective system which is composed of related objectives,Decision variables in the model are confined reasonably without influencing the model's applicatity.then the model is transformed into an equivalent 0-1 integer programming.Because the 0-1 integer program-ming has good properties,we give a improved lexicographic jumping enumeration algorithm solving the integer programming,it is easy to realize the algorithm in computer,programming is very simple and the model's solution is accurate.It is proved that the algorithm is effective in solving this kind of model by means of computing some practical examples.
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The Analysis Method of Influence Diagrams for Bayesian Decision
Dong Zhiqiang;Gu Changyao
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (11): 25-32.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)11-25
Abstract1322)      PDF(pc) (844KB)(1137)       Save
Traditionally,we solve a general Bayesian decision problem by using the decision tree analysis method.However,this paper formulates and solves the Bayesian decision problems by using the influence diagram analysis method,and makes a comparison between the two meth-ods. In addition,in the procedure of evaluating influence diagrams,we give the two new results about the transformation of influence diagrams.
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The Optimal Method to Clear Up “Triangular Debts”
Yuan Mingzhe
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (11): 33-38.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)11-33
Abstract1048)      PDF(pc) (690KB)(1277)       Save
This paper presents a method to clear up all“triangular debts ”with the least loan provided by banks,It is a good algorithm which can be carried out in a directed graph.It is a new application of grapn theory.
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A Improved Method to Calculate Weigh-value in Multi-factor Synthesis Evaluation
Cheng Jianquan;Yang Ren;Chen Zhaoyu
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (11): 39-45.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)11-39
Abstract1551)      PDF(pc) (447KB)(2224)       Save
In this paper,A improved method is suggested to calculate weight-value,based on analysing the principle of AHP(Analytical Hierarchy Process)and the most optimal model in synthesis evaluation.By this way,the effect on multi-factor synthesis evaluation is improved,considered the degree of rela-tive importance and one of relative dispersal,combined objectivism with objectivism and expet judgement with objective analysis,this method is proved to be scin-tific and reasonable by a practical example.
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Measurement Database、Modebase、Knowledgebase and Expert System
Yang Shiyuan
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (11): 46-52.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)11-46
Abstract1063)      PDF(pc) (381KB)(654)       Save
The plan of setting up the measurement database,modebase and knowledgebase sys-tem,which is the core of the measurement information system of the country,is put forward in this paper.Based on the introduction of the knowledgebase expert system,it also advances the surpporting system of measurement intelligent decision to provide a higher surpporting function of intelligent decision for the measurement information system of the country.
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Multiple-objective Optimization on Blast Furnace Process
Wang Zhengfu;Yang Tianjun;Ni Xuezi;Xu Yepeng
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (11): 53-61.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)11-53
Abstract960)      PDF(pc) (1004KB)(1047)       Save
In this paper,an ironmaking optimization model described the characteristics of blast furnace ironmaking process with 56 constraints and three objective functions which are produc-tivity,hot metal cost and coke ratio.The non-linear relations were expressed by combining of the optimum variables and state variables,and calculated with the iterated concord method.In addition,a sensitivity analysis approach was built up for the blast furnace ironmaking optimiza-tion,and the multiple objectives were treated with the linear weighted method.The applications showed that the optimization model could run not only with single objective,but also with multi-ple objectives,thus,the model could meet various demands in different operation conditions,and the optimum results were of good guidance for the blast furnace operation.
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A New Algorithm for Duration of Task and cost in Notwork Plan
Ma Jinliang
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (11): 62-66.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)11-62
Abstract1287)      PDF(pc) (286KB)(743)       Save
In this paper. A new algorithm on duration of task and cost in network plan have been writeen. The new method have regular step and easy computation. In this algorithm we al-so apply search tree and tranch-and-found technique.
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Clustering Analysis and Prediction for Precipitation Time Series
Wang Yongxian;Zhan Yihui;Zhang Shaohong
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (11): 67-71.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)11-67
Abstract1390)      PDF(pc) (327KB)(1727)       Save
In this paper we presents an integrated approach to simultaneous forecasting for the 160 precipitation series distributed on mainland China.A forecasting model has been established by combining powerfull methods in multivaraiate analysis and random time series analysis.The forecasting results are good,Our problem is one of developing a computationally tractable model on personal computers for the simultaneous forecasting of the 160 precipitation series,Cluster-ing method is applied to classify the 160 precipitation series into locally similar subgroups.The classification so obtained resembles those obtained by most famous Chinese scientists.A princi-pal component series reserving the periodic characteristics of each subgroup can then be extract-ed by data suppression method,allowing a considerable reduction of computational burden with relatively small loss of prediction precision. One year ahead prediction by our model shows promising results.
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Knowledge-based Cartographic Modeling and Its Application to Landuse Decision Making
Yang Bangjie;Hu xiaolin;Zong Yaoguang
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (11): 72-76.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)11-72
Abstract866)      PDF(pc) (286KB)(489)       Save
A knowedge-based cartographic modeling method,its implimentation and application to ur-ban landuse planning as a case study is presented in this paper.
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A Heuristic approach for Judgement Matrix with Saticfying Consistency
Luo Zhihui;lai Xui;Wan Yonghua;Feng Shangyou
Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice    1994, 14 (11): 77-80.   DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1994)11-77
Abstract959)      PDF(pc) (276KB)(624)       Save
It is pointed out that the consistency of judgement matrix is the study focus on theory and the difficulty on practice in AHP The concept concerning strength of logical relationship is then put forward and the transmision relationshi of strength of logical relationship is defined.and the authors prove a theorem that two matrixes with consistency can be directly yielede through the initial judge-ment matrix given by decision-maker.Based on the above,it is presented from the view of practice a satisfying consistency criteria of judgement matrix and a heuristic approach to yield a judgement matrix with satisfying consistency.Finally, an illustrative example about the analysis of the factors in the design of construction diversion is discussed.
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