
周开乐, 杨善林, 丁帅, 罗贺

系统工程理论与实践 ›› 2014, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (9) : 2417-2431.

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系统工程理论与实践 ›› 2014, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (9) : 2417-2431. DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(2014)9-2417


    周开乐1,2, 杨善林1,2, 丁帅1,2, 罗贺1,2
作者信息 +

On cluster validation

    ZHOU Kai-le1,2, YANG Shan-lin1,2, DING Shuai1,2, LUO He1,2
Author information +
文章历史 +


聚类是一个无监督学习过程,因此确定最佳聚类数是一项困难的工作. 聚类有效性研究是通过建立聚类有效性指标,评价聚类质量并确定最佳聚类数的过程. 首先,介绍了聚类的数学描述和聚类有效性指标的分类;然后,基于指标 构成成分的不同,分别评述了12 个仅考虑数据集几何结构信息的聚类有效性指标、6 个仅考虑隶属度的聚类有效性指标以及9 个同时考虑数据集几何结构信息和隶属度的聚类有效性指标,分析了不同类型指标的研究现状;接着,简要总结了外部性指标和稳定性指标等其他聚类有效性指标的研究现状;最后,总结并展望了聚类有效性研究面临的挑战和发展方向.


Clustering is an unsupervised learning process, hence it is difficult to find the optimal cluster number. Cluster validation is a process in which a cluster validity index (CVI) is constructed to evaluate the quality of clustering results and determine the optimal cluster number. Firstly, the mathematical description of clustering and the classification of CVIs are introduced. Then, 12 CVIs only considering the geometry information of the data set, 6 CVIs only considering the degree of membership, and 9 CVIs considering both the geometry information of the data set and the degree of membership are reviewed respectively based on different components in the indices. And the status quo of each type of CVIs is analyzed. Afterwards, the studies of other types of CVIs, such as external and stability-based indices, are briefly summarized. Finally, we point out the main challenges and research directions in the area of cluster validation.


聚类 / 聚类有效性 / 聚类有效性指标 / 最佳聚类数

Key words

clustering / cluster validation / cluster validity index / optimal cluster number


周开乐 , 杨善林 , 丁帅 , 罗贺. 聚类有效性研究综述. 系统工程理论与实践, 2014, 34(9): 2417-2431 https://doi.org/10.12011/1000-6788(2014)9-2417
ZHOU Kai-le , YANG Shan-lin , DING Shuai , LUO He. On cluster validation. Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice, 2014, 34(9): 2417-2431 https://doi.org/10.12011/1000-6788(2014)9-2417
中图分类号: TP18   


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