Private equity market structure based on Shapley value

NI Xuanming, QIU Yuning, ZHAO Huimin, SUN Huixia

Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice ›› 2022, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (4) : 923-936.

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Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice ›› 2022, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (4) : 923-936. DOI: 10.12011/SETP2021-2390

Private equity market structure based on Shapley value

  • NI Xuanming1, QIU Yuning1, ZHAO Huimin2, SUN Huixia3
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At present, market participants in the private equity market are gradually differentiated, and the market structure has changed accordingly. From the perspective of cooperative game, this paper abstracts the private equity market as an alliance composed of fund managers and investors, and establishes a model to explore the impact of market structure on income distribution and human capital incentive based on Shapley value. We find that there are differences in the relative scarcity of human capital and monetary capital. Monetary capital occupies a dominant position in income distribution, while improving professional ability is the key to expand fund managers' income. The increase of monetary capital concentration can stimulate human capital investment, and the human capital incentive brought by monetary capital shows a marginal decreasing trend. The current work suggests that government should encourage and promote the synergy between market participants, which will create a win-win situation. Government-sponsored venture capital should focus on small and medium-sized private equity funds, so as to stimulate human capital incentive, to optimize the market structure and enhance the vitality of market participants.

Key words

private equity / market structure / Shapley value / income distribution / cooperative game

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NI Xuanming , QIU Yuning , ZHAO Huimin , SUN Huixia. Private equity market structure based on Shapley value. Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice, 2022, 42(4): 923-936


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National Natural Science Foundation of China (71991474)
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