Spatio-temporal response robust parameter design based on Gaussian process model

ZHAI Cuihong, WANG Jianjun, MA Yizhong, FENG Zebiao, YANG Shijuan

Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice ›› 2023, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (2) : 537-555.

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Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice ›› 2023, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (2) : 537-555. DOI: 10.12011/SETP2021-1756

Spatio-temporal response robust parameter design based on Gaussian process model

  • ZHAI Cuihong1, WANG Jianjun1, MA Yizhong1, FENG Zebiao2, YANG Shijuan1
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A new spatio-temporal response optimization model, combined with multivariate quality loss function in the framework of fast nonseparable Gaussian process (FNSGP) modeling, is constructed for robust parameter design of large-scale spatio-temporal data. Firstly, considering the spatial and temporal correlation, the response surface between the input factors and quality characteristics is constructed by the FNSGP model. The fast and accurate algorithm of forward-filtering and backward-smoothing is used to estimate and predict the model. Secondly, the joint quality loss weights of the spatio-temporal responses are calculated based on the signal-to-noise ratio to construct the multivariate quality loss function. Then, a two-stage parameter optimization scheme is established using the multivariate quality loss function. Finally, the nonlinear optimization algorithm is used to find the joint optimal parameter design values of spatial and temporal factors. The results show that the proposed method can effectively deal with the meta-modeling and robust parameter design problems of large-scale spatio-temporal data. Compared with alternative methods such as the separable Gaussian process, linear regression, and random forest, it can obtain more robust optimization results.

Key words

spatio-temporal data / nonseparable Gaussian process / Kalman filter / quality loss function / robust parameter design

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ZHAI Cuihong , WANG Jianjun , MA Yizhong , FENG Zebiao , YANG Shijuan. Spatio-temporal response robust parameter design based on Gaussian process model. Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice, 2023, 43(2): 537-555


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National Natural Science Foundation of China (72171118, 71771121, 71931006); Postgraduate Research & Practice Innovation Program of Jiangsu Province (KYCX21_0361)
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