Fast dynamic programming algorithm for the large scale VCVRP problem

ZHANG Pengle, XIAO Kaiming, FU Chunxiao, YANG Kewei

Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (3) : 694-705.

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Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (3) : 694-705. DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(2016)03-0694-12

Fast dynamic programming algorithm for the large scale VCVRP problem

  • ZHANG Pengle1, XIAO Kaiming2, FU Chunxiao1, YANG Kewei1
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Vehicle routing problem (VRP) is a kind of typical combination optimization problems. Most of the researches focus on VRP with fixed transportation capacity; however, the capacity of vehicles is varied with the cargo shape and customer requirement. Therefore, we propose a varied capacitated vehicle routing problem (VCVRP) to deal with the practical problems. In this paper, a fast dynamic programming algorithm is proposed for large-scale VCVRP. And it is based on the traditional best fit decreasing (BFD) algorithm and minimum spanning tree (MST) algorithm. A K-backtracking strategy and a principle of short-priority are introduced to the dynamic programming algorithm. In this fast algorithm, the bin packing problem and routing problem are decoupled approximately. Analysis of the upper bound of objective total distance is given theoretically. Finally, experimental results of practical logistics of passenger vehicles are discussed to illustrate the quality and efficiency of the proposed algorithm.

Key words

vehicle routing problem / VCVRP problem / dynamic programming / combinatorial optimization / fast algorithm / inspire algorithm

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ZHANG Pengle , XIAO Kaiming , FU Chunxiao , YANG Kewei. Fast dynamic programming algorithm for the large scale VCVRP problem. Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice, 2016, 36(3): 694-705


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National Natural Science Foundation of China (71201168)
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