
彭向, 胡天宇, 孙俊芳, 张勇

系统工程理论与实践 ›› 2021, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (7) : 1806-1818.

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系统工程理论与实践 ›› 2021, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (7) : 1806-1818. DOI: 10.12011/SETP2019-2609


    彭向1, 胡天宇2, 孙俊芳1, 张勇2
作者信息 +

Pricing of ridesourcing platform with maximizing social welfare

    PENG Xiang1, HU Tianyu2, SUN Junfang1, ZHANG Yong2
Author information +
文章历史 +




For tripartite agents of online ridesourcing platform, drivers and passengers, the queuing theory and the birth and death process theory are used to describe the driver state transition process (idle-busy) in the car-hailing platform. With the ridesourcing price and revenue sharing between ridesourcing platform and driver as decision variables, the supply and the demand functions of driver's willingness to join the ridesourcing operation and the passengers' willingness to ride are both proposed. On this basis, the ridesourcing platform pricing models to maximize the social welfare under the static pricing strategy and the dynamic pricing strategy, are both proposed from angle of government regulation, and the algorithm for solving the model is also designed; In order to ensure that the theoretical model results be able to guide or supervise the pricing of the ridesourcing platform, the existence of market equilibrium of ridesourcing platform are proved, and the social welfares of static pricing strategy and the dynamic pricing strategy are compared. The research results show that the social welfare under dynamic pricing strategy is greater than the one of static pricing strategy under finite market size, while the social welfares under the dynamic and the static pricing strategy is equal under the large-market limit. The proposed model can not only solve the static and the dynamic optimal prices of ridesourcing platform, but also investigate the impacts of average ride time, the behavior of drivers and passengers choosing ridesourcing platform on pricing of the ridesourcing platform, thus provide theoretical foundation for the pricing and supervisation of ridesourcing platform.


网约车 / 静态定价 / 动态定价 / 排队论 / 社会福利

Key words

ridesourcing / static pricing / dynamic pricing / queuing theory / social welfare


彭向 , 胡天宇 , 孙俊芳 , 张勇. 基于社会福利最大化的网约车平台定价模型研究. 系统工程理论与实践, 2021, 41(7): 1806-1818 https://doi.org/10.12011/SETP2019-2609
PENG Xiang , HU Tianyu , SUN Junfang , ZHANG Yong. Pricing of ridesourcing platform with maximizing social welfare. Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice, 2021, 41(7): 1806-1818 https://doi.org/10.12011/SETP2019-2609
中图分类号: U491.25   


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